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Job Description: Project Manager


Blueshoe's project management is a crucial part of our value-creation process. You are the owner of the project, i.e. you create an organizational framework in which everyone feels comfortable and can work efficiently. The intersection of business needs, customer satisfaction, product development, and Blueshoe's bottom line is your professional home. Project managers see themselves as managers who constantly take on responsibility and act independently according to Blueshoe's interests.

Functions you contribute to

Function: Project Management

Responsibilities and Tasks

  • You organize project tasks and plan their execution
  • You moderate developer workflows, including
    • Collect and distribute information
    • Help with prioritizing tasks
    • Make sure there is no task without a due date
    • Effort estimations
    • Identify project obstacles and contribute to resolving them
    • Categorize Tickets with priority, type, assignee, type of contract, due date, etc.
  • You ensure the timeline and budget, including
    • Budget monitoring at least once a month
    • Project progress monitoring at least once a month
    • Milestone and agreed deliveries
  • You are guarding the scope and requirements of the project
  • You actively pull state information from project members about their work packages
  • You don’t miss a single issue (Ticket, E-Mail, etc.) or leave unanswered (acknowledging in the simplest form)
  • You maintain a reasonable information structure for any issue in your scope (even if you are not immediately assigned)
  • You are responsible for every issue in your scope (the projects you are responsible for)
  • You plan releases according to sprint cycles, customers' needs, and developers’ availability (sick leave, vacation, etc.)
    • You inform the client about the content of the new release
    • You ensure that the changelog is up-to-date and accessible to all relevant stakeholders
  • You escalate issues you cannot respond to either the customer, developers, or your manager (depending on the missing information) as soon as possible
  • You schedule meetings with stakeholders and moderate them to be as efficient as possible
    • Only invite absolutely necessary people
    • Send people out if they are not required anymore
    • Make sure everyone is prepared (aware of the agenda, and their talking points) Function: Account Management Responsibilities and Tasks
  • You help on cross- and up-selling customer projects, including
    • You identify potential opportunities
    • Offer help for any unspecified or new request
  • You pass on identified opportunities to your manager as soon as they appear
  • You evaluate the business impact of our solutions once a month with any suitable KPI
  • You receive and process customer complaints, effectively passing your manager and your project team
  • You don’t miss a single feedback (positive or negative) and provide it to the team promptly Function: Invoicing Responsibilities and Tasks
  • You create project-based reports that translate into invoice items
    • Time & Material units (time spent, timeframe, etc.)
    • Installments for fixed-price units (parts of the whole as agreed with the customer)
  • You agree on an informal pro forma invoice with the customer before we send the actual invoice
  • You pass on the agreed pro forma to Blueshoe’s financial operations team
  • You don’t miss a single financial claim - you always act in the interests of Blueshoe (concessions are none of your business)
  • You escalate disputed financial claims as soon as they come up to your manager
    • You are responsible for creating the basis for discussion
    • Optional: work out a trade-off proposal Function: Controlling Responsibilities and Tasks
  • You create a fact sheet for your project’s asset spending (individual tools, temporary infrastructure, licenses, etc.)
  • You audit project spending at least once a quarter for your scope of action
  • You pass on this information to Blueshoe’s financial operations team Function: Forecasting Responsibilities and Tasks
  • You report project-based turnover projections once a month to Blueshoe’s financial operations team, including
    • Work package (Ticket, Project, etc.)
    • Turnover projection
    • Period of execution (monthly resolution)
  • You accommodate potential capacity

Function: Practice Development

Responsibilities and Tasks

  • You regularly meet at least once a quarter with project managers and other practice leaders to identify space for improvement
  • You propose improvements based on feedback from team members and our customers
  • You implement agreed standards in your project management routinesd

Job Description: Support Manager (Project Manager)

Support Managers inherit the functions (with responsibilities and tasks) of a Project Manager and additionally contribute to the following functions.

Function: Incident Handling

Responsibilities and Tasks

  • You implement Blueshoe’s standard incident handling process
  • You plan and execute on-call duty
  • You monitor the incident handling process
  • You report the incident KPIs (amount, time-to-respond, time-to-closed)
  • You check the SLA compliance at least once a month
  • You make sure that “post-morthem” takes place after every incident with a critical impact on our solution or the customer’s business
    • What has happened?
    • What caused the incident?
    • What was affected by the incident (components, processes, people, business)?
    • What can we do to prevent such an incident from happening again?

Job Description: Operation Manager (Project Manager)

Operation Managers inherit the functions (with responsibilities and tasks) of a Project Manager and additionally contribute to the following functions.

Function: Maintenance

Responsibilities and Tasks

  • You implement Blueshoe’s standard maintenance processe
  • You plan and execute on maintenance tasks
  • You monitor the maintenance process
  • You report the maintenance KPIs (closed tasks, unfinished tasks, time spent)f
  • You organize issues in three categories, as planned with the customer:
    • Corrective maintenance
    • Perfective maintenance
    • Adaptive maintenance
    • Preventive Maintenance